Practical Training


Course Contents

The content of the course is directly related to the field of work of the student provided by their employers and can involve and relate to a group of other courses of the study programme of the Department. The field of work of the student must be within the scope of study of an Industrial Engineer and Manager.

Educational Goals

The course aims to provide practical expertise and focused knowledge to the students in the framework of their enrollment by actors of the Public or Private sectors in topics related to the study programme of the Department. Students are employed based on the Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) or other Framework programmes that may be available and are compensated for their services. As an elective course it provides valuable experience and expertise to the new industrial and management engineer as regards practical knowledge tailored to the needs of the actual market, therefore assisting their future employment.

General Skills

Practical application of knowledge; Adjustment to new situations; Decision making; Autonomous work; Team work; Work in an interdisciplinary environment; Design and project management.

Teaching Methods

Daily, working hours presence to a workplace, based on a specific contract. The degree of utilization of ICT depends on the field of work, however it should be considered as granted in a modern production facility. The student is employed for a period of 3 months after signing a specific contract provided by the NSRF or other funding programmes. During this period, he/she follows common employee working environment regulations. A member of the academic staff is assigned as a supervisor to oversee the course of developments in the trainee programme.

Students Evaluation

Assessment is provided by the employer, who comments on the conformity of the students to the working environment and its regulations as well as its overall performance. A specific assessment booklet is provided which also contains a list of main works undertaken by the student on a weekly basis. Also the supervising member of the academic staff provides an assessment and provides an overall grade.